EPIC Europe: Ethnography in Motion
This slideshow requires JavaScript. Ā Great people, great Ā presentations and Ā a very productive interaction would be our synthesis for...
Gaps : InvestigaciĆ³n-InnovaciĆ³n-Industria
This slideshow requires JavaScript. Con la velocidad que han avanzado la ciencia, la tecnologĆa y la investigaciĆ³n militar en el Ćŗltimo...
Segunda Barcelona Design Thinking Week (2012)
Fecha: 6 al 10 de Febrero/2012 Lugar Elisava Barcelona Organizado por Jorge Rodriguez, Director delĀ Master en InvestigaciĆ³n para el...
A Trend Overview of Dubai
Five days of intensive work, interviews, pictures and visits to different locations in Dubai showed us some of the most important trends...

Trending Dubai
A week of work in the streets of a city where everything is possible (even mission impossible), has brought to my attention a new way of...

Barcelona Big Wall Project
Pictures of Barcelona: The Best of Urban Photography , a group on Flickr. Algo Bueno & Barcelona Photocircuits are developing the...
Urban Trends Dubai 2011/12 by Algo Bueno
From Nov 30 to Dec 8 weĀ“ll be exploring Dubai, hunting for trends and innovative creation at the megametropolis of the eastern world, ...