Benetton adopta la Estética de la Protesta en su Campaña 2012/13
Uno de los temas de investigación abordados el año pasado por el equipo de AlgoBueno se va viendo reflejado como tendencia en el lenguaje...

Barcelona Big Wall Project
Pictures of Barcelona: The Best of Urban Photography , a group on Flickr. Algo Bueno & Barcelona Photocircuits are developing the...
Nuestro nuevo site en
Va pasando el tiempo y vamos acumulando proyectos, clientes y experiencias que hemos querido registrar en nuevo site en castellano...

1ª Jornada Design Thinking en Barcelona
by Jorge Rodriguez on Monday, January 24, 2011 at 11:30am Organizada por el Postgrado en Coolhunting, Diseño y Tendencias Globales,...

Adding Some Magic to the Factory
The toy retail business is a very different world. Finding out about it, we have discovered a whole new way of looking at toys, children...

Ostpacket : Nostalgia Marketing
Superar el pasado implica en un ejercicio de voluntad y comprensión muy fuerte y elaborado de los hechos que suceden en nuestra vida y...

The Music Biz : Burgers vs Gourmet food
Almost one year of planning, negotiation, confirmations, revisions and last-minute changes were necessary to complete the participation...

The 2010 Summer Cover of Fuel Magazine is Damaged
DAMAGED by Richard Brooks, is the body of work we have chosen this summer to be featured as the cover of FUEL. His images seemed clean,...

Research, Activities and Exhibition to help a Workers Union stand for Equality
CCOO needed to enter a new approach to the equality concept trying to generate interest in topics as complex as discrimination at the...
Short Movies in your Pocket : A mobile phone video production workshop
Personal stories have become of more interest in the latest years. We have made our life public using social networks and letting the...