DTG Miami Global Meeting 2020
¿Qué pasa cuando reunes 16 design thinkers en una mansión en Miami Beach, por tres dias consecutivos, repensando los servicios de...

¿Listo para la Transformación Digital?
Hemos realizado un pequeño muestreo sobre una base de datos reducida de 50 CIO’s en organizaciones de 500+ empleados. Queríamos entender...

DT Group at the Saudi Healthcare Innovation Conference 2014
On December 8th and 9th the King Fahad Medical City in Riyadh with the support of the Saudi Ministry of Health organized the new edition...
What Makes Innovation?
Guy Kawasaki, author of “Reality Check,” talks about the four qualities of innovation that he believes all successful products need. They...
Coolhunting & Cultural Research for R+D in Companies
Our Coolhunting Services for Companies In-Company Workshops on research, innovation and trends Cultural Immersion and Research Trends...