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Market Revolution or Revolution vs Market? part I

Recent events in global economy and politics make us think about the ways consumption, production and communications are rapidly changing the old ideas of buying and selling.

Corporations and companies seem to be in the task to think again and act in new ways, finding new ways to get in touch with massive amounts of  consumers and users, that rapidly change their attitudes and approach, towards products and services in the market.

Every change brings more changes and I am truly happy to witness this. It creates a particular state of mind where rigid structures see the need for renovation abandoning part of their established safe zones. In a word,  we are all allowing ourselves to evolve a little.

Rethinking the sense, goals and methods to connect with audiences, will probably provide the basis for deep changes in society as in markets. Some markets becoming more user oriented and other just turning more wild and tough. Production of goods and services has overwhelmed users and a loss of interest in  accumulation has started growing when people found themselves surrounded by more offers than their capability of consumption or even needs.

Abundance of goods and over production made corporations earn so much that a polarization of economic power has grown at the point of making them more powerful than many countries and regions, giving them politic influence and the possibility of changing and creating law.

At the same time the relevance of information technology has given users and consumers the power to network, criticize, oppose and gather to question their own governance, market, society and beliefs. An important awareness about social and environmental tragedies has changed the mindset for many customers who day by day get more information from multiple sources that help them make their shopping decisions. But these information also influence, political and ideological decisions when citizens feel themselves empowered, vulnerable, disappointed or betrayed by their own leaders.

The powerful internet  consumer and the vulnerable citizen + Access vs property (for everyone?) in the next post.


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