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Ready for Trendslab17?

Trends have become a ruling factor for business and also for governments. The rapid changes in society transform markets, governance and people’s lifestyle and view of the world.

Trump, Brexit, Putin, Syria, EU refugee crisis, Chinas deceleration, Generation Z, AI, IoT and many other signals create a new territory for the short and mid-term future that doesn´t seem easy to manage or even understand. Because until now, trends have been logical, consequent and somehow a matter of cause and effect. But probably not anymore. How will the process of influence change after these events?

New attitudes towards the “politically correct” and what is socially acceptable start appearing when voters and companies feel empowered by the majorities in the polls or in election processes. Recent events related to racism, corruption, nationalism and other highly criticised practices seem validated when leaders promote them within their actions and plans. Will this change the way we consume, vote and relate to each other?  Which are the new agreements around the “new normal”?

The cycles and patterns for trends evolution have changed, probably because of acceleration and the impact of radical and powerful influencers and passive acceptance of massive audiences relying in the comfort of technology and disinformation. Technology and data have been just some of the key factors for understanding and forecasting future scenarios and opportunities for all types of organisations.

Collective Intelligence and the new form of dominance and consumption will probably bring new opportunities and threats to businesses and entrepreneurs. Who will be the new trendsetters and opinion leaders? How will they get accepted or rejected?

During our 2017 Trendslab next february, we will explore those industries, influencers and trends that help shape the next years in terms of consumption and citizen participation. We will discuss the reasons and roots of all these changes and some tools to understand and navigate the next 10 years.

Join the conversation: talks and workshops and participate in the creation of opportunity scenarios using multiple visual and digital methods.

Some of the speakers will be:

Jorge Rodriguez – Elisava Universitat Pompeu Fabra Director for the Masters in Advanced Design Management Strategy and Entrepreneurship and Managing Director at DesignThinkers Group Spain. Panel of Experts and Trends Research methodology workshop

Nelson Pinheiro – University of Lisbon Trends Observer University of Lisbon ” …I emphasise the following interests: Trends Studies; Fashion Culture; Consumer Culture; Branding & Culture; Elites and Socio-economic cleavages; Literature of the nineteenth century…” Trends Studies 2017 and Trends Research methodology workshop

Marta Marin –  Universidad Ramon Llul,  Editorial director at The Hunter Since 2005  developing solutions that anticipate market and consumer trends from our offices in Barcelona and London. Panel of Experts

Hector Linares – Kantar Media Founder of The Data Republic (you can also read it as The Dat-aRe-public)  a public data research lab recently acquired by Kantar. We want to find out if the analysis of all sort of public data can help businesses and organizations to achieve their goals. Big data and Data Research Session

Carla Montané:  Elisava Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Sociologist and Research Methods Professor at the Master in Research for Design and Innovation, Panel of Experts and Tribes and Consumer Communities session

Josep Maria Monguet  Barcelona Tech. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Research Associate Onsanity Solutions S.L.  Collective Intelligence Session

Ask for information, tickets and save the date here.


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